Humana Foundation Grants Big Brothers Big Sisters 4.9 Million to Initiate and Elevate Mental Health Programs

Humana Foundation Invests in Innovative Mental Health and Nutrition Programming for Seniors and School-Aged Children.

Grants totaling $12.9 million span four regions – Kentucky, Florida, Louisiana and Texas – and four Health Equity Innovation Fund projects combatting loneliness and depression.

November 14, 2023 – The Humana Foundation, the philanthropic arm of Humana Inc. (NYSE: HUM) for the past 41 years, today announced a series of grants advancing its regional health equity mission by supporting seniors and school-aged children in living connected, healthy lives. The 23 grants spanning four geographies – Kentucky, Florida, Louisiana, and Texas – and four Health Equity Innovation Fund projects will help beneficiaries create healthy emotional connections and shape a healthier approach to nutrition for lifelong well-being.

The investment totaling $12.9 million includes a $4.9 million grant to Big Brothers Big Sisters of America (BBBS) to initiate and elevate mental health programs at chapters in the four geographies, including mental health first aid training for mentors and related coursework for youth.

“Today, there’s a critical need to provide young people with mental health supports. At BBBS, we know the positive impact mentorship has on youth well-being, inclusion and belonging, and social capital,” said Artis Stevens, President and CEO, BBBS. “Through our partnership with the Humana Foundation, we will harness the collective power of mentorship to expand our mental health and wellness programs, resources and training to create healthy emotional connections and empower youth.”

To learn even more and read the entire press release, please visit

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